STEP3対策③~試験日程・内容~ 2024年3月4日追記





The Step 3 examination ensures that attention is devoted to the importance of assessing the knowledge and skills of physicians who are assuming independent responsibility for providing general medical care to patients. The first day of the Step 3 examination is referred to as Foundations of Independent Practice (FIP), and the second day is referred to as Advanced Clinical Medicine (ACM).




Day 1
Step 3 Foundations of Independent Practice (FIP)
This test day focuses on assessment of knowledge of basic medical and scientific principles essential for effective health care. Content areas covered include application of foundational sciences; understanding of biostatistics and epidemiology/population health, and interpretation of the medical literature; and application of social sciences, including communication and interpersonal skills, medical ethics, systems-based practice, and patient safety.
The test day also includes content assessing knowledge of diagnosis and management, particularly focused on knowledge of history and physical examination, diagnosis, and use of diagnostic studies. This test day consists solely of multiple-choice questions and includes some of the newer item formats, such as those based on scientific abstracts and pharmaceutical advertisements.



しかし何故かUWのSTEP3ではそれらの基礎医学に関する問題はカバーされていないため、無対策で挑むと痛い目にあうことになります。特に薬の作用機序、疾患の病態生理、微生物のGram分類、発生学についてはFA STEP1のさらっと通読しておくことを強く推奨します、

The first day of testing includes 233 multiple-choice items divided into 6 blocks of 38-40 items; 60 minutes are allotted for completion of each block of test items. Items with an associated pharmaceutical advertisement or scientific abstract are included in each of these multiple-choice blocks. There are approximately 7 hours in the test session on the first day, including 45 minutes of break time and a 5-minute optional tutorial. Note that the amount of time available for breaks may be increased by finishing a block of test items or the optional tutorial before the allotted time expires.






Day 2
Step 3 Advanced Clinical Medicine (ACM)
This test day focuses on assessment of the ability to apply comprehensive knowledge of health and disease in the context of patient management and the evolving manifestation of disease over time. Content areas covered include assessment of knowledge of diagnosis and management, particularly focused on prognosis and outcome, health maintenance and screening, therapeutics, and medical decision making. Knowledge of history and physical examination, diagnosis, and use of diagnostic studies also is assessed. This test day includes multiple-choice questions and computer-based case simulations.

ACMでは医学知識を臨床に応用できる能力をみています。2日目は主に検査・診断・治療方法が問われます。2日目は従来のマルチプルチョイスに加えてComputer-based Case Simulations (以下CCS)にて評価されます。CCSは後で詳しく説明しますが、CKとCSが混ざったようなテストで、ケース毎に必要な検査をオーダーし、診断をつけて治療をしていくゲームみたいなものです。



ハイ!ナイストゥミーチュー!セザキングです。 前回の記事ではMCQとCCSの概要と勉強方法を簡単に紹介しました。 今回は「CCSの内容とその具体的な操作方法...
There are approximately 9 hours in the test session on the second day. This day of testing includes a 5-minute optional tutorial followed by 180 multiple-choice items, divided into 6 blocks of 30 items; 45 minutes are allotted for completion of each block of test items. The second day also includes a 7-minute CCS tutorial. This is followed by 13 case simulations, each of which is allotted a maximum of 10 or 20 minutes of real time. A minimum of 45 minutes is available for break time. There is an optional survey at the end of the second day, which can be completed if time allows.


STEP3の試験内容はSTEP2CKと比べるとより実践的で、さらに踏み込んだ知識が求められます。巷ではSTEP3は簡単だと何の根拠もない噂を聞くことがありますが、みなさんは最終試験が簡単なんてことがあると思いますか。現実的にSTEP3受験者はECFMGを取得した選りすぐりの選抜者であり、その勝者のみが受験する試験です。受験者にも様々な方がいるとは思いますが、その中の一部があまり準備をせずに受験して合格している様子がネット上で散見されたりします。そこから「簡単」という二文字が独り歩きをしているような気がします。僕の知り合いの極めて優秀なスウェーデン医師も「the most difficult one」と言っていましたし、USMLEの中でSTEP3は合格者平均点が一番低いです。






注目すべきはBiostatとSocial Scienceが全体の2割を占めていることです。内科疾患については、疾患と治療法が分かっていても、第二選択薬を使用したときの副作用や、治療しなかった際の予後などを問われることがあり、表面的な知識では正答を選べない可能性があります。一方、BiostatとSocial ScienceではStraightforwardな問題が多い傾向にあるため、UWORLDでしっかりと対策すれば点数源になります。


STEP3対策⑤~試験結果や採点について~ 2020年1月追記



